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Top 10 Budget-Friendly Countries to Study Abroad

By Omolara Rafiu

Image Credit: Pexels/ George Pak

Do you wish to further your studies abroad? Are you looking for budget-friendly countries to study? Well you are in luck as we have put together a list of 10 budget-friendly countries that you can easily afford. 

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Norway offers one of the cheapest tertiary education you can come across. There are various free university study programmes available in both public and private universities as well as the cheapest tuition fee you can imagine.

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Taiwan is a great option if you are looking for a budget-friendly country to study abroad. The cost of living is highly affordable and so are the university tuition fees as well for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Also the country offers over 120 courses that are taught in English.

Image Credit: Pexels/Stefan Lorentz



Poland is one of the cheapest countries to study abroad on a budget because the tuition fee for their universities are relatively low, ranging between €2000 to €3000 pounds annually for both graduates and undergraduates. Also if you are lucky enough to learn Polish, your tuition will be free.

Image Credit: Pexels/Dominika Roseclay



Studying at a Malaysian University will only cost you about $4,000 per year, Also the cost of living is quite affordable in this country.

Image Credit: Pexels/Ihsan Adityawarman



Germany is one of the most popular destinations for Nigerian students who wish to study abroad on a budget. The average tuition fee over there is about $23,450 while the cost of living is about $12,000 per annum. Also most of their courses are offered in English language so you do not have to worry about language barrier.

Image Credit: Pexels/Federico Orlandi

South Africa


Very close by and quite familiar, most Nigerians prefer to stay here because it is relatively cheap and is a quite similar environment, considering the fact that it is an African country as well.The tuition fee will cost you about $6000 while the cost of living will cost you about $9000.

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Argentina offers free tuition for international students who wish to study in public universities and a very cheap tuition fee for those who wish to study in private universities. The tuition fee is about $5100 per year while the cost of living per annum is about $5000.

Image Credit: Pexels/ Vinicius Garcia



Hungary not only provides you with beautiful scenery but also a low cost of living and also an affordable tuition of about $4000-$5000 annually. They also have several university courses that are taught in English.

Image Credit: Pexels/Oscar M



Recently named as one of the safest countries in the world, Ireland provides you with safety, a beautiful environment and a world class education at an affordable rate. The tuition for ireland universities cost about $7000-12000 yearly.

Image Credit: Pexels/Joaquin Carfagna



Singapore is one of the most developed countries in the world. The country has a lot of the best technology programs all at affordable rates. The cost of tuition is about just $400 and the cost of living is around $750-$2000. 

Image Credit: Pexels/ Aboodi Vesakaran

Gone are the days when travelling abroad was a type of luxury that only rich kids can afford, with an appropriate plan in place, there is always a country for you regardless of how small your budget is.

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