Ramadan Diet: 10 Healthy Suhoor Foods That Will Boost Your Energy For The Day to Baking Bread

Omolara Rafiu

Image Credit: Pexels/ Zak Chapman

Adding eggs to your suhoor meal will provide you with the necessary nutrients needed for a high energy level all day long. Eggs are high in protein, vitamins, carotenoids, saturated fat and iron which are all needed to maintain a high energy balance for the day.


Image Credit: Pexels/ Jane Doan

Smoothies are a natural energy booster because they are made up of various types of fruits, vegetables and nuts which makes them packed full with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein, fiber, and healthy fats which are all energy boosters. Examples of smoothies include fruit smoothies, date smoothies and so on.


Image Credit: Pexels/ Element5 Digital

Greek Yoghurt

Taking high protein and probiotic foods such as greek yogurt during suhoor  will make you feel full and satiated for a long period of time after your suhoor meal.

Image Credit: Pexels/ Jenna Hamra

Rice With Chicken, Meat or Fish

This is a perfect blend of carbohydrate and protein that will be sure to keep your energy on the high all day long. Nevertheless, remember to hydrate properly after eating this meal at suhoor.

Image Credit: Pexels/ Anthony Rahayel

Amala and Ewedu

In this part of the world, swallow is highly beloved in almost all households. Having swallow at suhoor is one of the easiest cheat codes for staying full all day long. However, only swallows such as Amala(yam flour), or eba(garri) are the best options as swallows such as pounded yam will be too heavy making you too full and too lazy all day long.

Healthy Fats

Foods such as Avocado, Cashews, Almond, Dark Chocolate and Coconuts should be incorporated into your suhoor meals as healthy fats are widely known to keep you feeling full for long because they take longer to digest.

Image Credit: Pexels

Whole Grain Bread

This is a much healthier and safer option than white bread because whole grain breads are rich in fiber which means they will be digested slowly and you will feel energized all day long.

Image Credit: Pexels/ Sami Abdullah

Fruits and Vegetables

Hydration is important for maintaining a high energy level all day long. Therefore, consuming hydrating fruits and vegetables such as cucumber, watermelon, eggplant, tomatoes, green cabbage, oranges and pineapple which are all high in water contents will have you energized and hydrated all day long.

Image Credit: Pexels/ Yaroslav Shuraev

Oatmeal and Fruits

As a Nigerian, oatmeal for suhoor might never cross your mind, however, this is a healthy  meal that you can try. We all know what quaker oat is, just make quaker oat, add milk, apples and dates or other fruits and nuts of your choice. This nutritious meal will have you feeling full and energized all day long.

Image  Credit: Pexels/ Karolina Grabowska


Yes, water is food. Not only is it food, it is also an important component of most meals and the most important complement to all meals. No matter what you have for suhoor, ensure that you drink water afterwards. This will help you to enjoy the full benefits of your meal and also have you energized all day long. 2-3 cups of water after every suhoor meal is recommended.

Image Credit: Pexels/ PNW Production

Always Remember, as a muslim, it is a duty you owe to yourself and Almighty Allah to always take good care of your health and be your best at all times.