8 Parenting Tips for First Time Parents

Parenting is a beautiful as well as rewarding journey, however it is also mostly a guessing game, most especially for first time parents, you are always wondering if you are doing things right or not. Are you a first time parent or aspiring parents? Well this guide is for you. Come along with us.

The first and the most important tip for every first time parent is to brace themselves up mentally to be a parent. This way when the unknown happens they are not mentally stressed or shocked.


1. Brace Yourself Up 

One minute you are feeling happy and satisfied with your parenting skills, another minute you are scared and unsure of yourself. Accept that this is a normal feeling that all parents get and that you are not alone.


2. Accept The various Tumult of Events and emotions

Most modern day first time parents make the mistake of trying to be super parents and do things all on their own. The only thing you will achieve from this is quick burnout. Be open to getting help from friends and family and openly ask for help when you need it.

IMAGE CREDIT: Pexels/ Mikhail Nikhov

3. Be Open To Getting Help

Just like the last tip given; you cannot do everything on your own. Delegate some tasking duties such as home chores and home care to people. This mostly involves paying outsiders to perform these tasks or asking friends and family to help you with them.


4. Delegate Duties

Being rigid about your parenting philosophies and ideas is not the best for you as a first time parent. Be open to getting ideas and tips from other parents as no man is an Island and just as the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child.


5. Be Open Minded

Nobody is above mistakes, even those who have been parenting for years can testify to this. When you make parenting mistakes, do not beat yourselves up about it. See it as a learning opportunity and  experience and move on from it.

IMAGE CREDIT: Pexels/ Photographer Liam Gillan

6. Be Kind To Yourself When You Make Mistakes

As new parents, getting enough sleep might be quite difficult with the baby always crying and fussing. But regardless of this unavoidable situation, getting enough sleep should not be sacrificed or cancelled because you need enough sleep to be healthy and to be your best for your baby.

IMAGE CREDIT: Pexels/ Niels from Slaapwijsheid

7. Get Enough Sleep

Being a parent whether a first time parent or not is not a reason for you to let yourself go. Try to make time for selfcare, regardless of how tight it might be to do this. Remember that when you look your best, you feel good and you do more.


8. Make Time For Selfcare

Parenting might seem difficult at first but always remember the lifetime benefits that come with it. Just take your time and before you know it you will get used to being a parent.