5 Essential Nutrients to Add to Your Pet Dog's Diet

As dog owners, it is necessary to place priority on how healthy and nutritious your dog’s diet is. We have put together 5 essential nutrients that you need to ensure that it is present in your dog’s food. Read on:

1. Protein

This is one of the most important essential nutrients that needs to be present in your dog’s diet. Constant protein intake will enable your dog to develop healthy organs as well as muscles. Your dog can get protein through eating fish, eggs or lean meats.

2. Fat and Fatty Acids

Frequent consumption of fats and fatty acids helps your dog to build healthy and well developed eyes and brain. Also, they are necessary for the maintenance and preserving of healthy coats and fur for your dog. To get an adequate amount of fats and fatty acids, feed your dog chicken fat and beef fat.

3. Vitamins

Your dog needs both water and fat soluble vitamins to be healthy, maintain proper growth and development and to heal quickly from wounds and also be resistant against diseases. A good source of Vitamin for your dog includes feeding it leafy green vegetables.

4. Minerals

Your dog needs minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and so on for proper bone and muscle development. It is also needed for the proper regulation of the internal organs of your dog. Good sources of calcium for your dog include bones, bone meal, yogurt and eggs. 

5. Water

Dogs, just like any other animals, need water for proper regulation of body temperature, digestion, hydration and general proper functioning of the body system. Ensure to give your dog water after each meal and also when necessary.

All the above mentioned essential nutrients when given to your dog daily, will help it meet its daily nutritional needs. Therefore, you should make conscious efforts to ensure they are always available in  your dog’s diet and at the right proportion.