Lost City 1

Ancient Lost Cities

By Omolara Rafiu

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Lost City 2

1. Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus Valley

It existed between 2500 B.C to 1700 B.C it is located in the countries we now know as Pakistan and Indian Subcontinent.



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Man standing on hill
Lost city 3

According to legends, this is where Kubla Khan,a great ruler in Chinese history, spent his summers and also where he decreed a stately pleasure dome.

2. Ancient city of Xanadu, Mongolia

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Lost City 4

3.The Ancient City of Pompeii

According to archeologists, the beautiful city of Pompeii was destroyed after the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

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4. The Lost City of Petra

ILocated in the modern day Jordan, it was the capital of Nabataean Kingdom and a very prosperous trading empire in the 4th century B.C to the 2nd century AD.

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5. The Lost City of Troy

Located in modern day Turkey, this city is popular for it's association with Greek mythology. This Lost City was discovered but archeologists in the late 19th century.

Palm Leaf

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