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12 Practical Habits To Build a Strong Mind

Omolara Rafiu

Having a strong mind can also be translated to mean being resilient. When you have a strong mind, it will help you overcome obstacles in life and will have you rising  like a phoenix from the ashes. Here is a compilation of 12 practical habits that can help you build a strong mind.

Img Credit: Pexels/Barna David

Do not run away from challenges

You need to understand that challenges are a part of life and they will never stop coming. How you respond to them is what matters. You can either be a victim or a game changer, have your pick.


Img Credit: Pexels/Dhivakaran S

Do not dwell on the past

One of the fastest ways to weaken your heart is by dwelling on the past. You need to always understand that the past is the past, you cannot change it and you have no power over it. What you can change and shape however, is your future which you SHOULD be focusing on.


Img Credit: Pexels/Nano Erdozain

Practice Solitude

Learn to enjoy your own company. Solitude gives you the chance to reflect as well to understand yourself better. Some solitude practices include meditation, moments alone in nature and pursuing personal hobbies like painting.


Img Credit: Pexels/Lalu Fatoni

Be patient with yourself

Do not be too hard on yourself, when you set out to do a thing and it's not going as planned, give it time. Being too hard on yourself  can lead to self resentment which will in turn weaken your mind.


Img Credit: Pexels/Mehmet Mert Mutlu

Don't Be Afraid of Failure

Not giving things a try out of the fear of failure is only stopping you from getting the experience and lessons to build grit and help you overcome the obstacles of life. See failure as an opportunity to learn instead of giving up.


Img Credit: Pexels/Wildan Zainul Faki

Avoid Comparison

Like the popular saying goes, comparison is the thief of joy. Always remember that individuals have different strengths and weaknesses. That way you build up resilience in your mind and you never get intimidated by others.


Img Credit: Pexels/Maksim Goncharenok

Focus on Your Strength

Instead of focusing on your weaknesses while getting intimidated by other people's strengths, focus on YOUR own strength and build it.


Img Credit: Pexels/Elina Fairytale

Avoid Jealousy

People who have a strong mind are never jealous of others as they totally understand that another person's success doesn't take away from theirs,rather, they genuinely celebrate other people's victories while working on their own goals.


Img Credit: Pexels/Josue Feijoo

Shut Out Negative Thoughts

Accommodating negative thoughts or negative self-talk is one of the quickest ways to weaken your mind. If you wish to have a strong mind, immediately these thoughts rears up, you shut them down.


Img Credit: Pexels/Khoi Chau

Don't Encourage Self Pity

YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM. Regardless of what happens to you in life, always erase any form of victim mentality. Shake it off and get going.


Img Credit: Pexels/Liza Summer

Don't Encourage Self Pity

YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM. Regardless of what happens to you in life, always erase any form of victim mentality. Shake it off and get going.


Img Credit: Pexels/Vika Glitter

Be Compassionate

Having a strong mind doesn't mean having a stone cold heart. You can be strong as well as compassionate. Be helpful to others and let others help you too when you are in need.


Img Credit: Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto

Be Your Own Greatest Cheerleader

When nobody is there to acknowledge or celebrate your efforts, be your own greatest cheerleader and celebrate your wins and efforts.


Image Credit: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

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