10 toxic Signs in a Relationship That You Should Never Ignore

Image Credit: Pexels/RDNE Stock project

By Omolara Rafiu

1. Judgment

When you are constantly judged by your spouse, you dare not make a mistake, even when you don't make a mistake you will most definitely be judged, then you are definitely in a toxic relationship.

Image Credit:Pexels/Alena Darmel

2. Gaslighting

 For example, when your partner hurts you, they manipulate you into believing that you are actually the one at fault.

Image Credit:Pexels/Antoni Shkraba

3. Walking On Eggshells

When you find yourself in a relationship where you cannot easily express yourself without fear of repercussions, FLEE!

Image Credit:Pexels/Vera Arsic

4. Jealousy

It's okay to be a bit jealous when your spouse spends time with others, but when they are extremely jealous, they threaten you and others when they have an episode of anger and jealousy, then it's time to run.

Image Credit:Pexels/ Polina Zimmerman

5. Bad Communication

Adequate communication is the major key to a successful relationship. But when you cannot have a calm and respectful discussion with each other it's time to walk out of that relationship.

Image Credit:Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

6. Controlling Behaviour

Another toxic sign to never overlook in a relationship is controlling behavior. When your partner doesn’t want you to think on your own and always wants you to do things their own way any time and any day without giving a thought to your feelings, that is definitely a toxic relationship.

Image Credit: Pexels/ Antoni Shkraba

7. Physical Abuse

When your partner hits you once and you don't walk away, just know that you are in for a lifetime of beating as they will never stop no matter how much they show remorse.

Image Credit: Pexels/ Donate

8. Cutting You Off From Friends and Relatives

A toxic partner will do all they can to subjugate the other one, therefore cutting them off from people who can make them see how bad the reality of their situation is.

9. When you Feel Exploited

When you feel exploited in a relationship, whether old or new, then it's time to take a critical look into your relationship as there is a very high possibility that you actually are being exploited. Your instinct is always right, therefore you should try to follow it more often than not.

Image Credit: Pexels/ MART PRODUCTION

10. When you are Feeling Drained Instead of Happy

Relationships are meant to bring you joy, happiness and growth. But when all these are lacking in your relationship and the only thing you can always count on is being drained, confused, hurt and feeling lost, then this is not a relationship to be in.

Image Credit: Pexels/Inzmam Khan

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