
10 Tips For Building a Healthy Relationship

By Omolara Rafiu

Image Credit: Pexels/Git Stephen Gitau

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1. Love yourself; when you love yourself it becomes easier to love your partner the way they deserve to be loved.

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2. Spend quality time together

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3. Engage in good and quality communication always

Image Credit: Pexels/Anastasia Shuraeva

4. Do not sweep things under the rug; When there is an issue, talk it out instead of sweeping it under the rug.

Image Credit: Pexels/Jep Gambardella

5. Respect each other's boundaries

Image Crdit:Pexels/DivePlavalaguna

6. Be good listeners to each other's grievances about some issues in the relationship or life in general.

Image Caption:Pexels/Hannah Stevens

7. Have total trust in each other

Image Credir: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

8. Take interest in your partner's hobbies

Image Credit:Pexels/Emma Busao

9. Support each other's dreams and passion.

Image Credit:Pexels/Moose Photos

10. Be realistic with your expectations from your partner as they are only human.

Image Credit:Pexels/Cottonbro Studios

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