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Investing in Pre-primary Education Yields High Return – UNICEF


Pre-primary school, can be refer to the nursery or creche, is a type of childcare for kids ages three to five. Its main focus is on intellectual development within a developmental framework that also fosters physical, social, and emotional development. It fostering economic growth can be effectively achieved by providing equitable pre-primary education.

“Out of all the education sub-sectors, pre-primary education has the highest return on investment,” in comparison to basic, intermediate, and postsecondary education, it receives the least portion of government funding according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

A good pre-primary education lays a solid foundation for knowledge acquisition. Pre-primary education for all students contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of educational systems.

Expanding access to pre-primary education shouldn’t come at the expense of quality, emphasizing that the latter is determined by a variety of factors such as curricula, families, communities, instructors, and resources, UNICEF stated.

Expansion initiatives have the potential to worsen educational disparities if proper quality controls aren’t in place. Governments cannot sustain quality and increase access to education until they invest on quality as education systems develop.

UNICEF criticized the sluggish and uneven access to early childhood education that existed both internationally and domestically.

Governments should enact laws committing to universal pre-primary education and giving the poorest and most difficult-to-reach children priority at the beginning, not the end, of the road to universality in order to guarantee that no child is left behind.

Children who attend pre-primary school for at least a year are less likely to repeat classes or drop out of school and are more likely to acquire the critical skills necessary for academic success. As adults, they support wealthy economies and peaceful civilizations. It stated, “There is evidence of how pre-primary education promotes development worldwide.

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