10 Signs You Have a Committed Partner

By Omolara Rafiu

1. Your Partner Spends Quality Time With You

Image Credit: Pexels/ Helena Lopes

When your partner is committed to you, you do not have to demand quality time from them, they will voluntarily spend more time with you regardless of the allure of the outside world.

2. You Don't Walk on Eggshells Around Them

Image Credit: Pexels?Ilkin Safterov

A committed partner will allow you to express yourself freely without them losing their temper, being aggressive or taking offense in response to your self expressions. You can be free and honest around them without fear of repercussions.

3. They Include You in Their Future Plans

Image Credit:Emma Bauso

A partner who is committed to you will always include you in their future plans because they see you in their future;together forever. You are not an option or a placeholder till the better option comes around.

4. They Display love to you Both Physically and Verbally

Image Credit: Pexels Aretha Raasch

When a partner is committed to you, they do not have any problem or inhibitions with expressing how much they love you. They show you in many ways through physical touch, public display of affection or through verbal affirmations.

5. They Prioritize Your Goals

Image Credit: Pexels/Anete Lusina

A committed partner will want nothing but success for you, therefore, they will work hand in hand with you to see that your dreams come true. And when the going gets tough, they stand by you and are always there to pick you up when you are down.

6. Your Partner Take interest in Your Favourite Activities

Image Credit: Carla Searcy

Since your partner is always thinking about you and wants to spend more time with you, they will always take interest in your favourite activities and learn it/them if necessary in order to engage in these activities when you are together.

7. They are Good Listeners

Image Credit: Helena Lopes

A committed partner will always listen to you because they care about your wishes and feelings at all times. Also, they do not just listen for the sake of listening, they listen to provide solutions when needed.

8. They are Respectful of Your Opinions and Ideas

Image Credit: Pexels/ira dulger

A committed partner will never trivialize or be disrespectful of your opinions and ideas. They take it with the utmost priority and interests, and they avoid disobeying them.

9. You  Feel Safe Around Your Partner

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A committed partner will never do or say things that will ever make you feel threatened around them. As a matter of fact they will go extra miles to make you feel safe and comfortable around them and will even remove you from dangerous situations at all times.

10. Introduces you to Important Family Members

Image Credit: Pexels/ Yan Krukau

Since your committed partner sees a future with you, they ensure that you are introduced to important members of their family. They are proud of you and their relationship with you and cannot wait to introduce you to the most important people in their life which is family.