9 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Damaged Skin

Image Credit: Shiny Diamond

By Esther Iyanda

1. Go gentle on your skin

When removing your makeup and pore-clogging dirt from your day, always make sure you do it gently. Try avoiding harsh scrubs and drying soaps, which can cause skin irritation, tiny tears, redness, tightness, and flaky skin.

Image Credit: Anna Shvets

2. Avoid hot water

Image Credit: Ron Lach

Going gentle or rejuvenating your skin also means no hot water or harsh soaps because hot water can strip natural oils, which can cause dryness and irritation to your skin. Instead, use lukewarm water when cleansing your face and opt for a moisturizing cleanser with ingredients such as shea butter, coconut oil, or almond oil to help retain moisture.

3. Make exfoliation part of your routine

Image Credit: Karolina Grabowska

This is to prevent dead skin cells build up on the outer layers of your skin, it can cause your skin to look dull, dry, and flakey, and can even clog your pores. Exfoliating can prevent this from happening as it helps smooth and polish your skin. You can start out by exfoliating twice a week and increase the frequency as tolerated by your skin.

4. Add a serum to your lineup

Image Credit:: Pavel Danilyuk

Face serums contain a high concentration of ingredients that help to brighten your skin,  diminish the signs of aging, and boost hydration. Because serums absorb quickly into your skin, you can apply them once or twice a day after a bath. You can use a serum that contains vitamin C, vitamin B3 (niacinamide), and ferulic acid.

5. Frequently use a face mask

Image Credit: Polina Kovaleva

By treating yourself to a face mask 1 to 3 times per week, you are venturing into another excellent tool to get your skin glowing. Incorporate masks that contain antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, shea butter, and other hydrating and brightening ingredients.t

6. Maximize your moisturizer

Image Credit: Shiny Diamond

Moisturizing twice a day with the right product can help rejuvenate and maintain your skin's overall health and treat various kinds of dermatitis. Moisturizers repair and protect the skin barrier. Try and look for ceramides in the ingredients you intend to buy as they help draw water into the epidermis to help plump up the skin.

7. Stimulate collagen growth with a retinoid

Image Credit: Kampus Production

Retinoids, which are vitamin A derivatives, have been scientifically indicated to stimulate collagen growth and normalize skin cell turnover. They help to exfoliate older skin cells and bring new, fresh skin cells to the surface. To start using retinoids on your skin, apply the treatment 2 nights a week and then increase the frequency as your skin gets used to this ingredient.

8. Opt for an in-office procedure

Image Credit: Anna Shvets

Venture into procedures like an IPL photo facial session that can help minimize the appearance of brown spots. It can also help even out your skin tone and improve the light-reflectiveness of your skin.

9. Wear sunscreen daily

Image Credit:: rfstudio

Wearing sunscreen daily helps prevent UV-induced damage, including skin depigmentation, and rough and aging brown spots.

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