7 Ways To Improve Your Study Habits

Written By

Omolara Rafiu

Taking the time to actively and diligently study can be quite difficult for us as humans. Naturally our brains gravitate towards doing more fun activities than quiet strenuous ones such as reading.

However, in order to stay up to date with school and in life generally, studying is important. Therefore, in order to make this easy for you, we have put together 7 ways to Improve Your Studying Habits, here we go:

Proper organization will help you make adequate study plans that will not be interrupted or cut short because of other important tasks. One of the best way to do this is by getting a diary or investing in a digital calendar, this way you get to plan your studying days or periods ahead giving you room to clear up any form of interruptions that may want to rear up it's ugly head.

1. Be well Organized

Trying to take it all in at once will not only make you extremely stressed out but it will also make it difficult for you retain whatever was learnt. But doing it the other way round will not make you find studying tedious and it will also make it easy for you to retain whatever you studied.

2. Take it in Bit by Bit

When studying put away your phone and other electronic gadgets, if possible study far away from where you can easily reach them. Also, apart from phones and gadgets distractions can also come in various ways, figure out what yours is and do away with it. Be it a meddling friends, roommate or colleague.

3. Eliminate All Forms Of Distractions

This means not just reading to pass, but reading to understand and to retain. You can do this by creating your own flashcards, setting questions for yourself, revising like you are teaching students in front of you and so on.

4. Study Actively

Studying in a particular spot repeatedly everytime can become mundane and boring. Try finding new suitable locations to study in order to keep your interest in studying going.

5. Switch Studying Environment

Proper nutrition is important for adequate brain functioning and concentration. Therefore, be intentional about the things you eat, invest in brain foods such as  Beans, tomatoes, leafy greens, vegetables, fish, lean red meat, milk and so on.

6. Eat Healthfully

Sleep is important for the brain to relax and get rejuvenated for the next day's activities. Therefore, it is imperative for you to have a sleep routine that gives you about 7-9 hours of sleep daily. 'Burning the night's oil' does not necessarily have to lead to you being burnt out.

7.  Get Enough Sleep

Always remember that "You either pay for the decisions you make today in the future or you get paid in the future for the decisions you make today." Take a active and intention step to improve your studying habit today.